
Therapist Belova: natural lemonade helps to “cleanse” the kidneys

lemon water
Therapist Alexandra Belova: lemon and lime juice has a positive effect on the kidneys.

Drinking enough clean water is known to help maintain kidney health. A clean fluid helps the kidneys efficiently remove toxins and other waste products in the urine. But the therapist Belova said that in addition to water, there are other drinks that help “cleanse” the kidneys of unwanted substances and keep them healthy.

Citrus juice. According to the therapist Belova, natural lemonade helps “cleanse” the kidneys due to the content of nitric acid by-products in lemons and limes. These substances provide prevention of nephrolithiasis by preventing the combination of calcium with other minerals, leading to the formation of crystals and kidney stones.

Cranberry juice.Cranberries contain a valuable ingredient that prevents E. coli bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. This bacterium is responsible for 80-90% of all cases of UTI (urinary tract infection). If such an infection occurs and is not treated, it can spread to the kidneys and cause the development of pyelonephritis.

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“Cranberry juice should be natural and not contain added sugar, which contributes to the appearance of sand and stones in the kidneys, ”the doctor warned in an interview with the MedikForum portal..
Could wine be good for the kidneys? A study by researchers at the University of Colorado found that a little wine can be good for the kidneys and hearts of patients who already have kidney disease. It found that drinking half a glass of wine was associated with a 37% lower risk of chronic kidney disease compared to people who didn't drink wine. Among participants with chronic kidney disease, those who drank some wine daily were 29% less likely to develop heart disease.

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Earlier portal MedikForum .ru wrote about whole grain bread being harmful to some people.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.