
The only one recognized by official medicine: doctors called cranberries an anti-cancer berry

Doctors who met with Elena Malysheva answered why cranberry is useful.

Doctors reported that cranberry is the only berry recognized by official medicine. In particular, it has significant antimicrobial activity. According to immunologist Andrey Prodeus, cranberries and their juice are useful for fighting genitourinary infections, cystitis and urethritis.

Elena Malysheva added that cranberries are an excellent source of vitamin C: 100 grams of the berry contain half of its daily requirement. Due to such a high content of vitamin C, cranberries can be considered a super-berry for improving the health of blood vessels. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, kidneys, and organs of vision.

Cardiologist German Gandelman added that cranberries also contain other substances that strengthen the cardiovascular system – in addition to vitamin C, these are anthocyanins and polyphenols. The high concentration of antioxidant substances anthocyanins makes cranberries an anti-cancer berry, the doctors emphasized.

“Cranberries are the champion in anthocyanins, and anthocyanins protect against cancer. The study showed that cranberries reduce the risk of premature death by 31%,” Elena Malysheva informed.
Earlier, the portal wrote about which available products can reduce the risk of cancer.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.