
The nutritionist called the fatal mistake of those who want to lose weight

The nutritionist called the fatal mistake of those who want to lose weight
Nutritionist Natalya Nefyodova believes that a sharp reduction in calories is the biggest mistake that dieters can make. Reduce the number of calories you need to be very careful.

In an interview with Sputnik radio, nutritionist Natalya Nefyodova spoke about the mistakes most often made by people who want to lose weight. One of the most common and most severe mistakes is a sharp reduction in the number of calories in the diet. In fact, by doing so, a person puts his body into hunger mode, in which the body begins to stock up on any food sources in reserve, as the metabolism slows down. This means that no matter what we eat, the body will definitely try to save calories.

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In addition, energy costs are also reduced. All this leads to the fact that the weight is not reduced, but seems to stop. But one has only to slightly increase the calorie content, and the scales will again begin to show a noticeable increase. Therefore, you should not go on extreme diets and starvation, you just need to gradually reduce calorie content. Naturally, you will not be able to lose weight if the reduced calorie content is not combined with intense physical activity.

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In the diet, according to the expert, it is necessary to include more products with fiber, vitamins, minerals and substances. And all this is very much in fruits and vegetables. Many experts recommend getting at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day in one form or another, either in the natural form or as a garnish or salad ingredient. (READ MORE)

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Natalia Nefedova Natalia Nefedova Healthy lifestyle Dietitian, nutritionist