
The expert told how hormones affect our weight

Nutritionist-nutritionist Marina Kolyazimova told how hormones affect our weight and whether this process can be regulated.⠀

Even by the general definition of hormones, it is clear that they are responsible for harmony in our body. As soon as one of the indicators deviates from the norm, we immediately see the consequences in the form of problems with health and well-being.

“Estrogens are the main female sex hormones. With a lack or excess of estrogen, women gain weight. Balance matters. Testosterone – when it starts to decline, muscle mass is lost, metabolism slows down, which leads to fat accumulation, ”says the specialist.⠀
Progesterone also affects weight. This is a female hormone that rises during and after ovulation. It is thanks to this hormone that a woman’s body makes reserves in case of pregnancy in order to bear a child. But if progesterone is elevated for no good reason (pregnancy has not occurred), appetite grows, hunger worries almost all day, as a result we get swelling and excess weight.

Another female hormone, prolactin, is also able to increase appetite and provoke weight gain.

Insulin is responsible for blood sugar levels and carbohydrate metabolism, on which our weight directly depends.

Thyroid hormones (they are called thyroid hormones) should also not be discounted. With their deficiency, there is a high risk of rapid weight gain.

Leptin – our fat reserves depend on it, in addition, this hormone also affects appetite and satiety. If leptin levels are low or high, a person literally never feels full.

The way we eat and lifestyle in general has a huge impact on our hormonal levels. If you already have problems with excess weight and hormones, this is not a sentence. Seek advice from an endocrinologist who will find out the reason for gaining excess weight, select a diet and therapy. -ves-c98e3d2.jpg” alt=”Marina Kolyazimova” /> Marina Kolyazimova Healthy lifestyle Weight loss specialist, nutritionist, Member of the National Society of Dietitians of Russia, fitness trainer, eating behavior correction specialist