
The expert listed the main rules of a healthy lifestyle

people jogging
Dr. Natalya Zubareva named the main rules, the observance of which will help to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Keeping a healthy lifestyle is not as difficult as it can be to appear. It is enough to follow a few simple principles that will help maintain health.

“They are all simple and yet very important. With the help of these recommendations, you can correct your figure, improve your well-being, feel light and free your thoughts,” the expert says.
One of the main rules is to drink enough fluids, namely water. We often underestimate this advice.

The second equally important rule is proper, balanced nutrition. We are what we eat, so you need to be responsible in compiling your daily diet.

Lead an active lifestyle. This does not mean that you need to disappear for hours in the gym and carry dumbbells. Enough active walking, dancing or light jogging.

Give up bad habits. You don’t even suspect how much they worsen your health and quality of life.

Be outdoors more often, especially if you work all week in the office.

The nutritionist listed the main signs of a healthy body

Learn to breathe correctly. Yes, yes, many of us do not know how. Observe how you usually breathe – shallow or deep? Try to master the technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing.

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Love yourself, work on your self-esteem. Get rid of complexes, try to accept your shortcomings. Natalia Zubareva Natalia Zubareva Healthy lifestyle Integrative doctor; doctor of preventive and anti-aging medicine