
Sweets and alcohol: Doctor Mukhina named products that thicken and thin the blood

Nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina: addiction to alcoholic beverages and sweets is one of the factors causing blood clots.

In an interview, Mukhina named products that thicken and thin the blood. In particular, alcoholic beverages are a provocateur of thrombosis associated with increased blood viscosity, the doctor stated.

“Alcohol-containing drinks “defat” blood cells, as a result of which they can stick together and the risk of blood clots increases,” Mukhina told Moscow 24.
The doctor also named all sweets among the products that thicken the blood. According to Mariyat Mukhina, eating cakes, sweets, and pastries makes the blood like syrup – in this state, it is more likely to thicken and form blood clots.

Another blood thickener is salt, including the one found in large quantities in canned goods and sausages.

“In addition, coffee also has a negative effect, since drinking it removes fluid,” the expert added.
Mukhina drew attention to the fact that the risk of blood clots due to thick blood is also increased by the active consumption of healthy foods containing vitamin K, such as spinach. It is important for people who consume them (as well as coffee lovers) to drink enough clean water.

Speaking about products that help thin the blood, Mukhina specified: these include olive and flaxseed oil, garlic, lemon, beets, raspberries and wild berries. Emphasizing the importance of water in the daily diet, the doctor stated:

  • Women are recommended to drink water at a rate of 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight, men – 35 milliliters per kilogram.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which products help activate the “lazy” intestines.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Mariyat Mukhina Mariyat Mukhina Healthy lifestyle nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences