
Scientists have determined the optimal amount of coffee to reduce the risk of death

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of premature death by 27%, researchers found.

Prevention of heart disease is one of the best ways to increase life expectancy. A new study has shown that coffee is one of the best natural remedies to prevent the development of heart disease.

“Coffee can increase your lifespan by lowering your risk of heart disease. Black coffee is thus able to reduce the risk of death by 27 percent,” reported the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
Also, according to the journal, researchers found that decaffeinated coffee, ground coffee, and instant coffee can reduce the risk of death by 14, 27, and 11 percent, respectively. The scientists' results show that mild to moderate consumption of ground, instant and decaffeinated coffee is associated with a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease mortality. According to experts, such a habit should be considered as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Scientists have determined the “optimal number of cups” useful for supporting the heart and blood vessels.

Daily coffee consumption reduces the risk of death – how much is needed drink?
“The study showed that two to three cups of coffee per day is sufficient,” the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology informed.
The scientists' conclusions are reportedly based on an analysis of information on more than 449,000 patients aged 40 and over. up to 69 years old. These subjects were asked in detail about how much coffee they drink daily, as well as what kind of coffee drink they prefer. in food helps prevent heart problems.