
Professor Kutushov recommended products that save from thick blood

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The use of certain foods, including vegetables and spices, helps prevent dangerous blood clotting and related thrombosis, said toxicologist Professor Mikhail Kutushov.

Thrombosis, which develops due to thick blood, causes half of cardiac deaths worldwide.

“The first thing with thick blood is to give up alcohol, smoking, reduce the amount of coffee in the diet in favor of plain water. In addition, it is important to diversify the diet with a number of products,” Mikhail Kutushov informed.
Scientists recommended products that save from thick blood. According to Kutushov, these products should be consumed with every meal.

“A protein product (chicken, turkey, fish), a vegetable, and also a seasoning,” the specialist listed.
Explaining which vegetables are especially useful from thick blood, the scientist singled out tomatoes. They are saturated with ascorbic acid, which helps thin the blood.

In addition, products for the prevention of blood clots are celery, bell pepper (like any other pepper), onions. To dress vegetable salads, the professor recommended using linseed or olive oil, which have a positive effect on the state of the vascular system.

“No one needs to eat”: Professor Kutushov called potentially toxic products thick, Professor Kutushov called ginger, cinnamon, turmeric.

Doctor Kutushov called a possible cause of thick blood “lack of one product”

Earlier, the portal wrote about what foods help to fall asleep well and suffer from insomnia.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mikhail Kutushov Mikhail Kutushov healthy lifestyle toxicologist, professor, Academician of EAEN (Hannover, Germany), corresponding member. RANS