
Products that should not be consumed by people over 60: Dr. Mukhina

an elderly person eats
According to nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina, people over the age of 60 should not eat foods with a high glycemic index.

Mukhina said in an interview that the diet of people over 60 should be more strictly controlled in relation to foods whose consumption leads to an increase in blood sugar. According to the doctor, at this age, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases sharply – this is also facilitated by the fact that the pancreas becomes depleted and is less able to produce hormones that regulate blood sugar.

In this regard, Mukhina pointed to foods that people over 60 should not consume. Their common feature is a high glycemic index (GI), which means that after eating a product, the level of glucose in a person's blood rises sharply.

Foods with a high GI are usually rich in simple carbohydrates and sugars. One of these is figs.

“100 grams of figs contain 57 grams of carbohydrates. That's 11 tablespoons of sugar. It is not recommended for people over 60 to eat it,” the doctor told Moscow 24.
The nutritionist is also convinced that older people should not eat dried apricots. It also contains too high a concentration of carbohydrates.

“100 grams of dried apricots contain 55 grams of net carbohydrates, and should not be consumed by the elderly.”
Mukhina stressed that frequent consumption of foods that increase blood glucose, may be a factor in the development of diabetes.

Earlier, the portal wrote that eating pears improves the body's defense against the onset of diabetes. Mariat Mukhina Mariyat Mukhina healthy lifestyle nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences