
Pasta Can Stimulate an Uncontrollable Appetite

Some foods activate processes in the body, due to which a strong and uncontrollable appetite can flare up, contributing to overeating and weight gain.

White flour pasta. Almost all white wheat flour products are easily broken down, releasing large amounts of refined carbohydrates that increase blood glucose levels. This stimulates the pancreas to actively release the hormone insulin, which is responsible for its distribution to the cells. As a result, the content of glucose in the blood decreases, and the person experiences severe hunger – at such a moment he needs to eat something to restore the glucose balance.

Sweets.Almost always, mass-produced candies contain preservatives, fructose syrup or corn syrup, which prevent the body from producing enough leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone. Thus, eating sweets deprives a person of a confident feeling of satiety – he constantly wants to eat.

French fries.Potatoes contain starch, and the more intensively they are processed, the less resistant they become. When fried, the product turns into the richest source of carbohydrates, which can incite an uncontrollable appetite, causing blood sugar fluctuations. What else is in french fries? Oil, which is very quickly absorbed, and salt, which stimulates the taste buds. All this disrupts the normal balance between the mechanisms of appetite and satiety – a person can eat a giant portion and still not feel full.

Chips and crackers.A person who has eaten a pack of chips will almost certainly agree to a second one. There is practically nothing in this product that would somehow slow down the digestion process, allowing you to feel full.

Sleep that helps get rid of fat deposits

Ice cream< b>. Due to its taste and texture, it causes a short-term release of endorphins – substances responsible for a feeling of pleasure, bliss. In addition, ice cream is a large dose of fast carbohydrates, due to which blood sugar first rises sharply and then falls. The treat may seem satisfying, but soon after it you will want to eat again. In addition, ice cream can be addictive.

Medics teach to control appetite

Earlier, the portal wrote about what fats should be present in the diet of older people.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.