
One workout a week is enough to build muscle

One workout a week is enough to build muscle
If you want to become more resilient and strong, then lift weights 5 days a week. However, just one intense workout is enough to increase muscle size, according to scientists at Edith Cowan University in Australia.

The increase in strength depends on the number of workouts, and the growth of muscle mass depends on their intensity, as Australian scientists have found. So, volunteers divided into two groups performed the same number of biceps curls using the heaviest dumbbells that only they could withstand. At the same time, in one group, classes were held 5 times a week, and in the other group only once.

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It turned out that those who exercised more often increased muscle strength by 10% in four weeks, that is, it was strength indicators that grew. But as for the aesthetic, that is, the visible volume of the muscle, then, oddly enough, the greatest results were achieved by those who worked out once a week. Their muscle volume increased by a third. At the same time, there was no increase in strength indicators.

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Many people think it's necessary to do resistance training in the gym, as it should transform their body, but it turns out that the tactic should be different. It is enough just to slowly lower and raise a heavy dumbbell once a week for well-marked changes in the body. True, I would like to count not only on visible muscle growth, but also on an increase in strength indicators, and in what mode to engage in to achieve this, the scientists did not explain. (READ MORE) Edith Cowan University < p class="article_expert_name" itemprop="name">Edith Cowan University

Healthy Life

public university in Perth, Australia. It is named after the first woman elected to the Australian Parliament.