
Oncologist Smirnova spoke about the dangers of healthy products

onion and garlic
According to oncologist Elena Smirnova, healthy foods can also harm people with intestinal problems.

Oncologist Smirnova shared a reminder that when existing problems with the intestines, it is not only obviously inappropriate foods that can worsen people's well-being and cause unpleasant, painful symptoms.

“In case of problems with the intestines, not only fried, salty, spicy foods or strong meat broths can aggravate the condition,” Smirnova noted.
The doctor clarified that healthy foods (for example, vegetables) may also be undesirable or even contraindicated for people with chronic pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract. Onions, garlic, potatoes, radish, cabbage, legumes – when used in the above category, irritation of the intestinal mucosa, increased gas formation, and constipation may occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse these products, the specialist recommends.

Additionally, Smirnova named other products that should not be in the diet of people with a “capricious”, sensitive, not too healthy intestine.

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“It can be used strong tea, fresh bread and all kinds of sweets, especially with a lot of cream and cream.”
The oncologist stated that people who periodically exacerbate hemorrhoids or other chronic problems with the intestines, they must realize that in their diet for the sake of well-being, they must constantly adhere to certain restrictions.

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Earlier, wrote that carbohydrate foods increase the risk of breast cancer. Elena Smirnova Elena Smirnova Healthy lifestyle oncologist, proctologist