
Oncologist Sekacheva named cancer-causing foods in the diet of Russians

Oncologist Marina Sekacheva said in an interview that one of the provocateurs of cancer in the diet of many Russians is alcohol.

Speaking of the influence of nutrition on the likelihood of cancer Marina Sekacheva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, noted that Russians' susceptibility to malignant diseases can be increased by foods rich in fast carbohydrates and fat. major scientific research,” the oncologist noted.
Various sausages can also be cancer-causing foods in the diet of Russians, the oncologist believes. Dr. Sekacheva recalled that excessive consumption of red meat, processed meat products is associated by researchers with an increased risk of developing a malignant tumor of the intestine (colon and rectum). scientific expert.
Professor Sekacheva added that there is no such food that could protect against cancer, but the complex effect of nutrition increases the chances of living a cancer-free life. It is important to systematically eat moderately and in a healthy way.

Earlier, the portal wrote about the most unhealthy foods according to doctors. Marina Sekacheva. Marina Sekacheva. Healthy lifestyle doctor of medical sciences, professor, director of the Institute of Personalized Oncology of Sechenov University