
Oncologist Karasev named foods that increase the risk of stomach cancer

Unhealthy eating habits are one of the key factors that increase the likelihood of developing stomach cancer, recalled oncologist Ivan Karasev.

The doctor said that the risk of getting stomach cancer increases especially seriously after 50 years. Among the leading causes of a dangerous illness, oncologist Karasev named the neglect of healthy dietary rules, the abuse of certain products.

“People with suspected cancer, as a rule, eat a lot of salt, they cannot do without salting. In addition, the use of smoked and dried meat, as well as various dietary nitrates, is unsafe, ”the physician listed.
The specialist emphasized that at the initial stage, stomach cancer is successfully “hidden”, during this period of the development of a malignant disease it is difficult to notice any specific symptoms. The most effective way to detect this type of cancer in a timely manner is preventive endoscopic diagnostics, Karasev is convinced.

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“In Japan, endoscopic diagnostics is used as a preventive examination of a healthy population, and as a result, the death rate from stomach cancer in the Land of the Rising Sun is one of the lowest in the world.”
According to Karasev, after the age of 40, people should periodically undergo gastroscopy. With this examination, doctors will be able to detect characteristic lesions of the gastric mucosa, which will allow timely start of the necessary therapy.

Oncologist Karasev named the main characteristic feature of aggressive forms of gastrointestinal cancer

Earlier, the portal wrote that back pain can occur as a symptom of various types of cancer. Ivan Karasev Ivan Karasev healthy lifestyle doctor – oncologist, surgeon