
Omega-3 and garlic: Doctor Stankevich answered what can replace statins to lower cholesterol

taking medication
Doctor Lyubov Stankevich spoke about non-drug ways to lower cholesterol.

Statins, which can lower high blood cholesterol, are considered effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and combating atherosclerosis. However, Dr. Stankevich noted that along with their therapeutic effects, these drugs have side effects, and their use is associated with a certain risk of harm to health. In particular, rhabdomyolysis (muscle damage) and liver problems may occur during treatment with them.

“There is an opinion that statins should not be prescribed if it is possible to avoid taking these drugs. The final decision to take them should be based on a thorough analysis of all factors, including the results of genetic testing,” Stankevich said in a commentary to the Doctor Peter portal.
Medicines.The doctor answered what can replace statins to reduce cholesterol. According to the doctor, an alternative to them, for example, can be modern drugs from the group of PCSK9 inhibitors or drugs based on the substance ezetimibe.

Supplements. In addition, taking omega-3 can be effective in this regard – these fatty acids help improve the condition of blood vessels and the heart, helping to reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and reducing inflammatory processes.

“The use of supplements such as omega-3 and vitamin D can really be useful in improving the lipid profile,” the expert added.
Products. Speaking about products that help maintain a normal lipid profile, Stankevich warned: their effectiveness is significantly inferior to drug therapy. Nevertheless, to maintain normal cholesterol levels, the specialist recommended avoiding trans fats, choosing vegetable oils with a high content of unsaturated fats, eating garlic and generally a lot of vegetables and fruits, including whole grains and nuts in the diet.

“Diet and healthy eating cannot correct genetically determined problems with lipid metabolism. In such cases, drug support is necessary,” the doctor stated.
Lifestyle. To normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, it is important to move enough, exercise, avoid obesity, and lose weight if you have significant excess weight.

Earlier, the portal wrote about why eating low-fat foods does not help with weight loss.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Lyubov Stankevich Lyubov Stankevich Healthy lifestyle, clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor