
Nutritionist Tarasco: The link between low-fat products and weight loss is a misconception

yogurt in a glass
Nutritionist Anastasia Tarasko: a low-fat product is not always low-calorie.

Many people believe that when losing weight it is better to eat low-fat products, but doctor Tarasko stated that they do not help to lose weight. The doctor emphasized that the calorie content of such food may be, contrary to expectations, very high due to the added components present. The idea of ​​the connection between such food and weight loss can be called a misconception – Tarasko shared her opinion about this with the web publication “Moscow Region Today”.

“Low-fat does not mean a decrease in calorie content, because very often a huge amount of additives and sugar are mixed into fermented milk products, PP bars and even ready-made meals that are labeled “low-fat”, – the expert warned.
The nutritionist drew attention to the fact that the absence of fat in food indicates the absence of fat-soluble vitamins in it – for example, vitamins A and D, which are essential for immunity. The same milk or cheese without fat will not contain elements useful for the body, she said.

Tarasko added: there is nothing wrong with eating low-fat products from time to time if you like their taste. But the fear of fatty foods, their categorical rejection, as well as the division of completely normal products into “bad” and “good” can be a sign of deviation and indicate an eating disorder.

Earlier, the portal wrote about why poor health can occur after fatty foods.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Anastasia Tarasko Anastasia Tarasko Healthy lifestyle dietitian