
Nutritionist Solomatina: instant coffee can harm people with a tendency to thrombosis

instant coffee
Dietitian Elena Solomatina: with a tendency to thrombosis, instant coffee can harm with its diuretic effect.

Dietitian Solomatina refuted the prevailing opinion that that drinking instant coffee is not safe for health.

“Instant coffee is quite safe,” said the doctor in her commentary for the radio station “Moscow speaking”.
The doctor clarified that high-quality instant coffee can be consumed without harm to health, regardless of its packaging, be it a can or a bag. But sometimes a surrogate product is given out for coffee – such a drink can really harm. According to Solomatina, the so-called coffee with cream, which is made on the basis of low-quality palm oil, often turns out to be a surrogate – it, among other things, may contain flavors, synthetic fragrances. harm to the body

The medic warned that instant coffee could harm people with a tendency to thrombosis. The drink has a diuretic effect, due to which the body loses fluid more intensively, which, in turn, contributes to thickening of the blood and the formation of blood clots. The nutritionist advised not to forget to drink water when drinking coffee – this applies to everyone, and not just people at risk of thrombosis.

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Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina healthy lifestyle dietitian, candidate of medical sciences