
Nutritionist Rusakova: sweets should be eaten only in the morning

Nutritionist Daria Rusakova shared tips on how to eat sweets.

Nutritionist Rusakova stressed that sweets in the diet should be present only in moderation. To reduce the amount of sugar consumed, you can use sweeteners.

“Do not use honey, fructose, aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol, syrups based on agave, dates, grapes, maple. It is better to use chicory syrup, stevia and erythritol, ”the expert recommended in an interview with
Another advice from a nutritionist – sweets should be eaten only in the morning, this helps to save the figure. But it is also important to remember about calories and not exceed the daily amount of carbohydrates. You should not think that allowing yourself desserts in the morning, you can eat a whole cake at once and not worry about your waist.

Daria Rusakova noted that the most harmful sweets in terms of possible weight gain are products of deep processing of industrial production: sweets, cookies, carbonated drinks, fruit juices. In addition, added sugar often contains products that are not dessert products: for example, canned food (including vegetables), sauces, even prepared meats. It is better to refuse such products altogether, the nutritionist believes.

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Those who cannot live without sweets should look for its healthiest options – products containing, in addition to sugars, useful ingredients in the form of fiber, vitamins, trace elements. These types of sweets include dried fruits, natural marshmallows and marmalade, some varieties of jam, dark chocolate.

Doctor Rusakova told how to eat honey correctly

Earlier, you should eat porridge for breakfast.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Daria Rusakova Daria Rusakova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist