
Nutritionist Popkova: A healthy person should eat one egg every other day

Nutritionist Irina Popkova: eggs are a product that causes a lot of controversy and disagreement.

Nutritionist Popkova shared professional advice on how to eat eggs. She noted that their consumption is often associated with the problem of high cholesterol, which “helps” to develop heart disease.

“However, yolks contain the optimal daily norm of cholesterol – about 250-300 mg per 100 g of product. This is exactly as much as is recommended to be consumed with food per day,” Popkova said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.
According to the expert, the human body has the ability to adapt to changes in blood cholesterol levels due to food. When more cholesterol comes with food, it reduces the production of its own cholesterol – thus maintaining a balance.
But people who already have problems with high cholesterol should be more careful about how many eggs they eat, the nutritionist emphasized. According to Popkova, they should give up the yolks.

“A healthy person is recommended to eat an egg every other day, this will be enough. If there are certain changes in the level of cholesterol in the blood, it is better to eat only the egg white and/or make an omelet from the “white” part of the egg,” she advised.
The specialist added that although eggs contain many useful and important substances, you should always strive for variety in your diet – it should include a variety of foods. You should eat brightly colored vegetables and fruits, cereals, fish more often.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which affordable products are especially useful for reducing the risk of cancer.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Irina Popkova Irina Popkova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist