
Nutritionist Ionova called the products necessary in the winter diet

appetizing dish
Nutritionist Lidia Ionova recalled the importance of a balanced diet for good health and strong immunity in winter.

Ionova said in an interview that winter diet should include present a variety of products that are sources of protein, healthy fats, microelements for the body – they will help maintain energy tone, help strengthen immunity. The specialist also noted that the body receives vitamins not only from vegetables and fruits, which is why the diet in winter should be varied.

“The source of vitamins is a balanced meal throughout the day, and not just one group of foods,” said Lidia Ionova, talking to the Public News Service.
The nutritionist recommended that meat, poultry, fish, starchy foods (for example, cereals in the form of buckwheat, oatmeal). In addition, the physician pointed out the importance of the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Their source is vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, fish.

Nutritionist Zubareva named foods that should not be eaten for breakfast

In addition, Ionova advises not to forget about dietary fiber – this type of carbohydrate is a food component that is not digested by the digestive tract. Such fibers slow down the digestion process, which prolongs the feeling of satiety, prevents the rapid absorption of sugar and cholesterol into the blood.

Nutritionist Ionova named the most unsuitable foods for breakfast

“Eat cruciferous and coarse-fiber foods such as cabbage in winter , carrots, kohlrabi, turnips, radishes,” the nutritionist said in this regard.
Earlier, the portal wrote that the doctor called a habit destructive to the thyroid gland.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Lidiya Ionova Lidiya Ionova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist