
Nutritionist Ginzburg called the least harmful dose of alcohol for the body

white wine
Nutititist Mikhail Ginzburg: in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, alcohol is harmful in any amount.

According to nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, the least harmful for the body, a glass of wine (dry) can be considered a dose of alcohol.

“For a healthy man, the minimum harmful dose of alcohol consumption is 50-100 milliliters of strong alcohol per day or a glass of dry wine. For a healthy woman, only a glass of dry wine,” Ginzburg told Moscow 24.
The expert noted that all alcohol consumed in excess of this amount can cause very serious harm to health.

Mikhail Ginzburg also advised drink beer with caution. This drink can be consumed in large quantities without any discomfort – meanwhile, alcohol from it is quickly absorbed and enters the bloodstream, quickly causing intoxication.If you have health problems, it is better to refuse alcohol.

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“If a person has any cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbance, disease liver, stomach, intestines, then any amount of alcohol is harmful for him,” Ginzburg stated.
Earlier, the portal wrote about the health benefits of drinking a glass of water in the morning. b>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mikhail Ginzburg Mikhail Ginzburg healthy lifestyle Director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietology and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences