
Nutritionist Ginzburg called tea with milk not harmful, but useful

tea with milk
According to nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences, tea with milk should not be considered harmful.

Ginzburg recalled in an interview that when existing pathologies of the stomach, drinking ordinary tea can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, provoking excessive secretion of gastric juice. In this case, it will be more useful just tea with milk, which softens the effect of tart tea components and allows the drink to be better absorbed.

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drinking tea with milk is not harmful, but beneficial. The drink is allowed to be consumed even with stomach diseases, since the milk in its composition can reduce the harmful effects of tea,” the nutritionist said, in particular.
Ginsburg added that tea with milk, being more nutritious than just brewed tea, can be useful in circumstances where a person needs to recuperate after hard work, exhaustion, serious physical exertion. Like broth, such a drink can be drunk by those who do not want to eat, experience loss of appetite.

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Earlier, portal wrote about which product has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps with joint pain. Mikhail Ginzburg Mikhail Ginzburg Healthy lifestyle director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietology and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences