
Nutritionist Ginzburg called life-extending product

Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg said that one of the best foods in terms of promoting health in adulthood and prolonging life is tofu.

Dietitian Ginzburg said in interview that tofu can be considered a life-prolonging product as a supplier of high-quality vegetable protein.

“In the second half of life, we would especially like to see less animal and more vegetable protein in the human diet,” the expert noted.< br>The doctor clarified that the use of the protein contained in tofu helps to normalize cholesterol metabolism, prevent atherosclerosis – these causes contribute to premature death in millions of people.

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Ginsburg added that tofu supplies the body with isoflavones – these substances fight inflammation, protect against the occurrence of “age-related” pathologies. According to the nutritionist, for women, this product can become something of a “youth elixir.”

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“Some isoflavones have been found to have a property similar to estrogen. At least in women, the presence of phytoestrogen can reduce the manifestations of menopause, they harmonize female hormonal metabolism,” he told URA.RU.
Earlier, the portal wrote that cocoa helps hypertensive patients reduce high blood pressure /wp-content/uploads/2022/07/dietolog-ginzburg-nazval-prodlevajushhij-zhizn-produkt-cb4ded6.jpg” alt=”Mikhail Ginzburg” /> Mikhail Ginzburg Healthy lifestyle Director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietology and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences