
Nutritionist Aldonina: 6 reasons why you gain weight without eating more

Growing weight despite a small amount of food – this phenomenon usually has a very specific reason, says nutritionist Maria Aldonina.

Dietitian Aldonina named in an interview with “MedicForum” several common reasons why you can gain weight without eating more.

Decreased physical activity. According to the doctor, the human body gets used to a certain amount of physical activity and movement. If it is reduced, then a person can gain weight without eating more food – this happens because his body stops spending calories on physical activity, and they begin to be stored in reserve.

The load has increased.The specialist advises to remember: muscles weigh more than fat. Many people gain weight first when they start exercising, and their fat turns into muscle mass.

Stress. When the body is under stress, more of the hormone cortisol is released, which provokes bouts of increased appetite. In addition, in stressful moments, the body physiologically accumulates fat faster, which contributes to survival in difficult conditions. Especially fast is the accumulation of fat in the abdomen

Unsuitable products.Another reason why we gain weight without eating more. Nutritionist Aldonina noted that most prepared foods and meals are unhealthy, and even if they seem appropriate in terms of their calorie content, they can still make the body gain weight. The accumulation of fat can contribute to the artificial ingredients contained in their composition and have a specific effect on metabolism during absorption.

Wrong drinks. The nutritionist explained:

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“We often forget about the calories that drinks contain because they do not saturate us. Sugary sodas and juices make us unconsciously put on weight, although we may eat less.”
Lack of food. Oddly enough, weight can increase if a person eats too little. The body in this case goes into an energy-saving mode and burns fewer calories, trying to keep as many as possible in reserve in order to compensate for the insufficient amount of food.

Aldonina nutritionist: these drinks can lead to dangerous dehydration in the heat

br>Earlier, the portal wrote about why women over 40 should definitely eat foods with calcium.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.