
Normal sleep, products with magnesium: doctor Myasnikov named means for reducing sugar levels

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Doctor Alexander Myasnikov shared natural ways to lower sugar levels at home.

Dr. Myasnikov, on the set of the program “About the Most Important Thing,” named means for lowering sugar levels, noting along the way that healthy glucose levels need to be maintained systematically and constantly.

“Figures of 5.6-6.9 on the glucometer are already prediabetes. And if the figure has crossed 7, then it is already diabetes. Every fourth person has an increasing risk of prediabetes turning into diabetes with its problems with the kidneys, eyes, and so on,” the famous Russian doctor warned.
Myasnikov noted that one of the best ways to normalize blood sugar is the practice of aerobic exercise. Measured jogging, swimming, sports games, race walking, dancing – these and other types are desirable at any weight and at any age, he emphasized.

In addition, to correct blood sugar levels, you should stop using sugar substitutes, control your sugar intake, and include magnesium-rich foods in your diet. According to Myasnikov, magnesium helps reduce cravings for sweets.

In addition, normal sleep and the absence of chronic sleep deprivation have a positive effect on glucose levels. Lack of sleep contributes to loss of insulin sensitivity, the specialist added.

Myasnikov emphasized that the development of diabetes is primarily associated with the emergence of cellular resistance to insulin.

“What is important is how quickly your blood sugar rises. If you eat foods with a high glycemic index (white bread, for example), your sugar will rise, followed by a very rapid release of insulin. This rapid release leads to the receptors becoming deaf from such an amount, they do not perceive the hormone,” the doctor warned.
Earlier, the portal wrote that Sleeping in complete darkness improves the body's defense against the development of type 2 diabetes.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Alexander Myasnikov Alexander Myasnikov Healthy lifestyle general practitioner, cardiologist, chief physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 71 (Moscow), TV and radio host.