
Neurologist Mosin: some habits lead to a decrease in intelligence

The doctor spoke about habits that not only undermine people's health, but also contribute to the deterioration of mental abilities.

In an interview with neurologist Evgeny Mosin, it was said a warning that some habits lead to a decrease in intelligence – one of them the physician called social alienation. Communication between people often takes place virtually, through social networks and instant messengers, but the ability to communicate in real life is extremely important. Many people, for various reasons, avoid such communication, lead a secluded lifestyle, and may not leave their homes for a long time.

“Unwillingness to communicate in real life negatively affects the functioning of the brain,” the doctor noted.
According to Mosin, during social interaction, verbal communication is carried out along with non-verbal communication, which contributes to the formation of new neural connections that make the brain active, not aging, and long-lasting good intellectual potential.

“The habit of working even when you are unhealthy is no less harmful to the intellect,” the doctor added.
Neurologist Mosin explained that malaise, feeling unwell is a signal from the body that it needs rest, easing stress. The brain at such a time concentrates on helping the body as much as possible to cope with the deterioration that has arisen, to overcome the disease. Work that requires attention will only weaken its capabilities. The doctor advised during such periods to completely disconnect from activities that require mental stress, concentration.

Impaired fat metabolism leads to a decrease in intelligence
In addition, the habit of regularly monitoring social networks and news resources leads to a decrease in intelligence. The resulting overabundance of information contributes to the fact that the brain turns on a defensive reaction and reduces the ability to absorb the information received.

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