
Named several categories of people who should not eat meat

cooked meat
Nutritionist Irina Pisareva: if you have high cholesterol or cardiovascular problems, you should not eat fatty meats.

In an interview with a doctor Several categories of people have been named who should not eat meat – one such group is people who have metabolic diseases. In addition, meat is a special, very difficult food for people with kidney disorders

“If the kidneys do not work well and are not able to excrete uric acid, then this can have a bad effect on the body. Therefore, people with diseases of the excretory system, kidneys should be careful and control their diet,” said Pisareva. who suffer from other chronic disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels. These categories need to strictly control the consumption of fatty meat, while lean meats, poultry are quite permissible in their diet.

Head of the Ministry of Health named the categories of people who need to be wary of the heat Pisareva advised to consult a doctor about what their diet should be.

Contraindications for a protein diet are named

Earlier, wrote about why it is useful to regularly drink half a glass of kefir. Irina Pisareva Irina Pisareva healthy lifestyle doctor – Dietitian, nutritionist