
Named available seasonal products to reduce high blood pressure

According to nutritionist and endocrinologist Natalya Lazurenko, affordable seasonal vegetables like cucumbers can be very effective as natural antihypertensive remedies.

In an interview, the doctor named available seasonal products to reduce high blood pressure. Separately, Lazurenko singled out cucumbers as one of the best. According to the doctor, these vegetables are now at the peak of their maturity, which means that they have never been higher concentrations of healthy substances.

The doctor said that thanks to the use of cucumbers, natural blood pressure control improves, vascular tone is maintained.

“Despite the fact that cucumbers contain a large amount of water, they also contain a large number of microelements and help normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system,” doctor Lazrenko told Moscow 24.
What is important: cucumbers should be eaten strictly unsalted , they already have a balanced ratio of potassium and sodium.

The most useful seasonal products are named

The expert also considers tomatoes to be a very useful seasonal product. The lycopene contained in them has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves the quality of metabolic processes.
Natalya Lazurenko emphasized that products should not be taken as medicines, they do not treat hypertension. But getting important nutrients from them, the body copes with its functions better and endures the resulting disorders with less loss.

10 best products to reduce pressure foods help maintain kidney health. Natalya Lazurenko Natalya Lazurenko healthy lifestyle nutritionist , endocrinologist