
Myasnikov: vitamin C can be dangerous for the kidneys

Vitamin C can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys if consumed in large doses, doctor Alexander Myasnikov warned.

Dr. Myasnikov noted that in Russia like to drink vitamin C in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or to strengthen immunity. The specialist urged not to use it on your own without a doctor's prescription, but in particular – not to use “spoons”.

Alexander Myasnikov said: vitamin C in large quantities is dangerous for the kidneys.

Myasnikov named common causes of diseases kidney

“A megadose of vitamin C is very popular with us for colds. But few people know that its abuse can provoke the development of kidney stones,” said a well-known physician.
The doctor added that it is much more useful than taking a pharmacy vitamin is the inclusion in the diet of products that contain it in their composition. Myasnikov recommended eating kiwi, bell peppers, sauerkraut, persimmons, citrus fruits and berries (can be frozen) to support immunity in winter.

Myasnikov warned of the danger of an impulse to immediately bring down the temperature wrote about what seasonal foods protect against immunity decline in the winter months.

Important! for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Alexander Myasnikov Alexander Myasnikov healthy lifestyle general practitioner, cardiologist, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 71 (Moscow), TV and radio host.