
Myasnikov doctor on lowering cholesterol: almonds can replace statins

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov: nuts are a powerful natural remedy for lowering high cholesterol.

A well-known Russian physician commented on the use of droppers and products in the fight against high cholesterol .
Increased cholesterol levels are one of the typical age-related health problems. Many people know that it contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease up to the development of a heart attack. Speaking about what helps to lower cholesterol in the blood, Dr. Myasnikov warned the Russians: you do not need to use droppers for this.

“Whether you lie down under a dropper to clear the vessels, or treat hypertension, or strengthen the vessels of the brain, this is an absolutely vicious tactic that does not bring any benefit, but increases the risk of contracting hospital infections,” the doctor explained.
Garlic. According to Alexander Myasnikov, a spicy vegetable rich in active ingredients can help lower cholesterol. Although, he added, this ability of garlic is not unconditionally proven. Research data to support the cholesterol-lowering effect of garlic is still quite limited.

Nuts.According to Dr. Myasnikov, this is one of the best products for maintaining vascular health. He himself considers nuts to be “powerful” for raising “good” cholesterol, which acts like an artery cleaner by combining with “bad” cholesterol and then leaving the body naturally. In particular, a nut such as almonds can replace statins.

“0 grams of almonds (I don’t know how many walnuts) replace 10 milligrams of statins,” the doctor said.
At the same time, Myasnikov emphasized that people taking statins as prescribed by a doctor should not replace drugs with nuts on their own – these drugs cannot be canceled without prior consultation with a specialist.

Red Clover. Myasnikov called this drug useful:

Doctor Myasnikov recalled the “side effects” of statins – drugs for cholesterol

“These are both phytoestrogens and a possible stimulant for the production of” good “cholesterol, so it is quite acceptable.”< br>Other ways.To reduce high cholesterol, the specialist strongly recommends that you follow the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle – be a physically active and mobile person, stop smoking, everything fried and salty, check your blood sugar.

What absolutely can not drink statins? Doctor Myasnikov explains

Earlier, the portal wrote about which foods are most useful for increasing hemoglobin levels.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Alexander Myasnikov Alexander Myasnikov healthy lifestyle general practitioner, cardiologist, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 71 (Moscow), TV and radio host.