
Minimum salt, no sweets: Doctor Ishbaeva answered what the diet should be like after 50 years

healthy eating
Therapist Dilfuza Ishbaeva: after the age of 50, it is extremely important to limit the consumption of salt, sweets and alcohol.

Doctor Ishbaeva stated: the diet of people after 50 years should be adjusted in a certain way.

“With age, the metabolic and energy-consuming processes in the body of both men and women decrease. Taking this into account, nutrition should be balanced, reduced in calories, but at the same time contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium,” the therapist told the online publication “Moscow Region Today.”
After 50 years, due to the natural slowdown of metabolism, the problem of excess weight becomes relevant for many people. The doctor answered what the calorie content of the diet should be in order to prevent excess fat deposition.

  • With sedentary work or constant movement by car – about 1600 kilocalories per day.
  • With physically active work or general mobility, sports – about 1800 kilocalories.
  • With physically hard work or intense training (at least an hour daily) – about 2,000 kilocalories.

The specialist also advised limiting salt consumption and giving up sweets.

“Sodium is a vital microelement, but there is often too much of it in the usual diet. This overloads the kidneys, causes swelling and increases blood pressure. It is better to avoid sweets, since the risk of developing diabetes and excess weight increases with age,” Ishbaeva shared.
In addition, the doctor recommended that people over 50 limit their alcohol consumption. The daily diet, the expert added, should include vegetable salads and at least one fruit. It is also important that the diet contains sources of iodine. The doctor said: iodine deficiency leads to memory loss, deterioration of the strength of the vascular wall, problems with the thyroid gland, and decreased immunity.

Earlier, the portal wrote about how much alcohol consumption can shorten life.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Dilfuza Ishbaeva Healthy Lifestyle, General Practitioner, Vidnovskaya Clinical Hospital