
Medic Kruglova named products to normalize pressure

measuring blood pressure
According to nutritionist Natalia Kruglova, people with high blood pressure should pay attention to foods that are rich in potassium.

Medic Kruglova said in an interview that potassium is important for normalizing blood pressure and protecting against hypertension.

“About 400-500 grams of foods with potassium per day will provide the norm for the mineral and will be an excellent prevention of hypertension,” the nutritionist said about this. Moscow 24.
What this important substance contains: fruits, berries, leafy greens, vegetables.
In addition, to normalize high blood pressure, Kruglova advised eating foods containing omega-3 – fatty fish in the amount of about 300 grams per week.

The doctor also noted the importance of limited salt intake. According to Kruglova, people with hypertension should avoid ready-made products, since they are the main sources of immediately very high doses of salt. We are talking about sausage, semi-finished products, cheeses, ready-made sauces, fast food.

A nutritionist told who should not eat lemons

What else is important: control the consumption of saturated fats.

Doctor Kruglova named the dangerous properties of tomatoes

“We limit fatty meats, ready-made semi-finished products, creamy sauces,” the expert concluded.
Earlier, the portal wrote that sleep problems could be an early symptom of liver disease. Natalia Kruglova Natalia Kruglova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist, member National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists