
Losing weight reduces the risk of cancer

Weight loss reduces the risk of cancer
A study by scientists from the Cleveland Clinic showed that rapid weight loss reduces the likelihood of developing certain malignant neoplasms. And you can quickly lose weight with a strong degree of obesity only after bariatric surgery.

Cleveland researchers found that among obese adults who underwent various types of bariatric surgery, the likelihood of developing malignant neoplasms was reduced by 32%. And the risk of cancer-related mortality decreased by 48%, compared with adults who also had large volumes of excess weight, but did not undergo surgery. Science is already well aware that obesity greatly increases the likelihood of certain types of cancer.

Losing weight affects the occurrence of cancer

Moreover, if victims of obesity develop cancer, then they are more likely to have a sad outcome of the tumor than their peers who do not have large amounts of excess weight. This is due to the ability of obesity to provoke constant inflammatory processes in the body. The need to carry extra pounds on your body also exposes the internal organs to too much stress, and because of this, they wear out faster. With morbid obesity, diet and exercise are usually ineffective. And such patients come to the aid of bariatrics.

Exercising reduces the risk of developing liver cancer

As soon as a person loses weight, the risk of a number of malignant tumors decreases. The accumulation of total body fat is in itself a very active organ system. It produces hormones that make a person more vulnerable to cancers of the breast, intestines, prostate, endometrium, and ovaries, among many others. Losing weight not only reduces the risk of cancer, but also the likelihood of death from malignant neoplasms, which is also very important. (READ MORE) Cleveland Clinic

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