
Lightly salted cucumbers are named by the doctor the most useful summer vegetable

salted cucumbers
Useful summer properties of lightly salted cucumbers were listed by doctor Svetlana Malinovskaya.

Malinovskaya in an interview called lightly salted cucumbers in summer “a storehouse of benefits” for the human body. In particular, yb] has a lot of fiber and very few carbohydrates.

“The most useful summer product that is available to everyone is lightly salted cucumbers: they contain a lot of trace elements and vitamins – calcium, copper, chlorine and many others”, – commented the head of the rehabilitation treatment department of the Vidnovskaya Regional Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region Svetlana Malinovskaya.
The medic clarified that during the day you can eat three or five little pickled cucumbers with different dishes.

Cucumbers can strengthen bones and improve eyesight
Malinovskaya said that thanks to the fermented substances of the product, intestinal motility improves, as well as the state of the digestive tract as a whole. At the same time, if a person has chronic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, he should consult a doctor about the possibility of eating such cucumbers.

Two residents of the Vladimir region became infected with botulism by eating lightly salted cucumbers

Earlier portal wrote that a doctor named the most dangerous type of drink in the summer heat.