
Late meal times don't affect a person's weight: scientists

appetizing dish
It is commonly believed that eating later in the evening contributes to weight gain, but scientists state that the time at which a person eats before bedtime “does not affect” his weight.< /b>

There is a theory that eating at night goes against people's circadian rhythms, and that the night is for rest, not for eating. However, a study conducted by the Universities of Aberdeen and Surrey showed that a person can have the habit of having a hearty breakfast, nor a hearty dinner: the time of eating will not affect his weight.

The researchers invited overweight healthy people for examination. For four weeks, part of the participants ate according to the principle of “a rich breakfast and a small dinner”, and some – according to the principle of “a small breakfast and a large dinner”. According to the scientists, they assumed that a large breakfast and a small dinner would increase the number of calories burned, as well as promote weight loss in the subjects. But they found “no difference” in body weight or how many calories it burned at rest. There were also no significant differences in daily levels of glucose, insulin, or blood lipids.

Scientists concluded that the timing of calorie intake by the body does not have a decisive influence on its weight – the main thing is the ratio of calories received and expended.
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“Eating more than a person's actual daily calorie requirement is the fastest way to gain weight. If a calorie deficit is created, then weight loss begins. Overeating, excess calories not only cause weight gain, but also increase the risk of developing chronic health problems, cancer, ”the scientists postulated.
They also reported that a eating pattern consisting of a large breakfast and a small dinner helped people feel less hungry during the day.

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