
“It's better to replace sugar and sweets”: Doctor Kardashova named dangerous aspects in the nutrition of the elderly

an elderly woman in the kitchen
Gastroenterologist Sofia Kardashova shared recommendations on what foods should be included in the diet of elderly people.

Doctor Kardashova named dangerous aspects in the nutrition of elderly citizens. In particular, the expert noted that they need to be careful when eating grapefruits.

“Drugs for hypertension, anxiety disorders and insomnia may react with substances from grapefruits. This may cause unwanted effects,” the doctor warned in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru.
Kardashova also drew attention to the fact that with age, the body and digestive system cope worse with the absorption of fatty, fried, spicy or savory foods. Such food can have too aggressive an effect on the mucous tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, provoke unpleasant symptoms due to negative changes in its condition.

In addition, canned food and sausages can be dangerous in the diet of the elderly. These products are saturated with salt, and the consequences of their use (especially regular) are edema, changes in blood pressure.

“It is better to replace sugar and sweets with natural sugar substitutes, honey, dried fruits, fruits,” the gastroenterologist added.
In addition, Kardashova advised not to eat foods that have not been sufficiently heat treated in old age. With aging, the immune system deteriorates, and such food can be a source of infectious agents for the body with severe and unpredictable complications. For example, salmonella infection can result in similar complications for the elderly.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what kind of people need to completely stop drinking milk.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Sofia Kardashova Sofia Kardashova Healthy lifestyle gastroenterologist