
It is vital to walk every day

It is vital to walk every day
First-of-its-kind study confirms that daily steps reduce the risk of chronic disease. It was conducted by scientists at the University of Washington.

6,042 Americans regularly carried wearable devices with you that counted the number of steps taken each day. These observations confirmed that the habit of walking reduces the risk of developing certain types of diseases. These include diabetes, hypertension, depression and sleep apnea. Walking also reduces the likelihood of obesity.

Fast walkers will live 15 years longer

Previous studies have come to similar conclusions, but this is the first time activity-tracking devices have been used that have been linked directly to electronic health records. This provided new empirical data on activity levels associated with chronic disease risk.

Proper walking relieves excess weight and back pain

The integration of commercial wearable devices could be useful for monitoring patient health, the researchers believe. They recorded, on average, four years of activity for each participant. The sample was based on people who wore their own bracelets for 10 hours or more daily for about six months. The daily number of steps and their intensity was then compared with the incidence within the group and compared with the incidence rates in the general population. The most useful were 8,200 steps per day and above. (READ MORE)

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Washington University

U of Washington

Healthy Life

public research university in Seattle, Washington