
Is semolina really harmful?

Dietitians often advise not to use semolina porridge as a product saturated with simple carbohydrates and calories – but is it really harmful?

Dilara's doctors Akhmetova and Asmar Mammadova said in an interview with KP that semolina porridge cannot be considered unambiguously harmful.

“In some cases, semolina simply needs to be included in the diet,” doctors said.
According to experts, semolina cereals are digested by the lower intestine. Porridge from it creates a kind of shell on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which protects it from irritation.

“Semolina porridge is recommended for diseases of the stomach and intestines,” the doctors stated.
In addition, semolina dishes give an impressive boost of energy, which is suitable for those who spend a lot of energy on sports and physical activity. For people weakened after a long illness, suffering from exhaustion, semolina will also be useful as a product that helps the body restore its resources. Experts recommend eating it for breakfast.

Other positive properties of semolina include iron saturation, making it useful for iron deficiency anemia. In addition, semolina contains selenium and potassium, which improve heart function.

A gastroenterologist called semolina porridge the worst product for children
At the same time, it should be remembered that semolina contains phytin, which can disrupt the absorption of nutrients by the body (for example interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D). With this in mind, semolina porridge does not need to be eaten regularly, it is more suitable as a product that helps diversify the diet. In addition, a temporary pause should be maintained between the use of such porridge and the use of other products.

Semolina porridge is dangerous for babies

Earlier, the portal wrote about the beneficial and harmful properties of white rice.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.