
Iron deficiency: hepatologist explained where and how we lose it

blood test
Gastroenterologist-hepatologist Sergey Vyalov told why and how iron deficiency occurs in the body.

Recently, iron deficiency has become a general problem among the population. Almost half of the population suffers from iron deficiency, and many do not even know about it. Where to look for a leak?

“Iron may be lacking for various reasons. For example, when a person loses a lot of it, and the balance becomes negative. Usually we get 10-20 mg of this element with food and spend the same amount. If we go negative, then we take iron on credit, ”the expert says.
Having used more iron than it came with food, the body begins to take it from internal reserves. But here is more about the indicators of ferritin (iron depot). Today we will talk about iron.

One of the most common causes of its deficiency is blood loss. For example, we can lose blood and iron along with it, receiving various injuries.

Sometimes we do not see these blood losses, because they are hidden, for example, it can bleed in the intestines. The difficulty is that even a blood test can not always show such processes.

Women lose iron during their periods, especially if they are very heavy. In the intervals between cycles, the body sometimes does not even have time to make up for these losses.

If there are problems with the intestines, pain is periodically disturbed, it is important to keep the stomach under control and check the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps there are erosions, ulcers. They can also cause blood loss.

Iron deficiency increases myocardial mortality

Hemorrhoids are also a risk factor. The good news is that all of these factors can be eliminated if the problem is addressed in time.

The hepatologist told how to properly replenish iron deficiency

Therefore, if the problem of iron deficiency is urgent for you, do not put it off put the solution on hold and try to establish the cause as soon as possible. Sergey Vyalov Sergey Vyalov Healthy lifestyle Gastroenterologist, hepatologist