
Immunologist Prodeus: what can help support immunity?

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According to the immunologist Andrey Prodeus, the use of fermented milk products is one of the available effective ways to maintain good immunity.

Prodeus recalled: the main organs of immunity are these are the brain and thymus, while the intestine is the habitat of the main number of immune cells.

“Normal microbiota maintains immunity tension, therefore, to maintain it, you should eat well,” the immunologist emphasized.
Andrey Prodeus noted that the condition of the intestine helps to improve the consumption of fermented milk products and drinks containing live lactobacilli. Children who consume probiotics and prebiotics are less likely to get ARVI.

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Physical activity also helps to maintain immunity. The doctor explained that the movement – walking, walking, swimming, light jogging – benefit intestinal motility, prevent congestion, constipation.

Immunologist Prodeus explained who does not need a six-month revaccination healthy microflora is the absence of constipation and diarrhea,” the immunologist emphasized.
Earlier, the portal wrote that garlic acts on the body as a natural antibiotic. Andrey Prodeus Andrey Prodeus healthy lifestyle pediatrician-immunologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor