
How to keep vivacity and energy during weight loss?

Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova told how to keep cheerful and active while on a weight loss diet.

For those who have been on a diet, you probably know that during this period you often lose strength. Drowsiness, lethargy appear, you constantly want to lie down, energy is at zero.

As a result, many prefer to remain overweight than to lose activity and vigor. It turns out that you can painlessly lose weight and still maintain energy. To do this, you need to follow a few rules.

“Many patients, when losing weight, choose too rigid diets with a pronounced restriction of calories and digestible carbohydrates. As a result, energy exchange suffers, and we have no strength. When losing weight, to save energy, you need to smoothly change the diet, ”says the expert.
It is not necessary to drastically reduce the volume of the usual portions. The same goes for calories. If you are used to eating 3 thousand calories a day, go first to 2500, and then to 2000.

Monitor the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body. A diet is not only a smaller amount of calories, but also a smaller intake of microelements.

For adequate control of deficiencies, we take tests every three months. This is especially true for vitamins and hormones that support the vital activity of the thyroid gland. Otherwise, the function of the thyroid gland may decrease, and this will negatively affect the entire body.

We do not rule out training. We maintain an adequate level of activity. Often we go to extremes: either we completely exclude sports due to a lack of strength, or we train too aggressively in order to achieve the set result as soon as possible.

Choose adequate feasible loads. If you want to increase the load level, do it gradually.

By adhering to these rules, you will be able to lose weight and maintain your usual level of activity. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist