
How to get rid of sugar addiction?

sweet dessert
Gynecologist Ekaterina Volkova shared tips to help overcome sweet addiction.

Many of us don't even realize that such addiction takes place in their lives. Meanwhile, the day does not start without a donut, candy or coffee pie.

“With too much sugar in the diet, we will “puff up”, but still remain hungry. More sugar – more risk of gaining weight and disrupting normal metabolism, ”the expert says.
It is possible to get rid of sugar addiction, the doctor assures. Several rules must be followed. At first glance, this will seem difficult. However, in reality, everything is not so scary.

The first thing to do is to give up the consumption of “liquid sugar”. By this term, the doctor means sweet tea or coffee with sugar, juices and compotes.

“Liquid forms of sugar are much worse than solid food with sugar or flour. Sugary drinks carry sugar directly to your liver.
The second important condition is the saturation of the diet with proteins. They should be in every meal. Proteins will give a long feeling of satiety.

In addition to proteins, the presence of fats is important. And it's not necessarily fat. It can even be nuts with seeds. Yes, they also contain fats that will not allow you to break into the consumption of sugar.

Think over your menu in advance so that in case you are very hungry, you do not eat junk food. Make homemade semi-finished products that you can turn into a full meal in an emergency.

It's good if you always have a healthy snack on hand in the form of a handful of nuts, seeds, berries or vegetables.

Sleep enough hours. Lack of sleep seriously increases cravings for sweets and fast carbohydrates. This is due to a lack of strength and energy in the body. And carbohydrates are ways to give us this energy.

Sleep is a great way to prevent overeating. And along with overeating, excess weight will also go away.

If you choose desserts, then give preference to those that do not contain sugar. As an option: fruit salad, fresh or frozen berry smoothies, fruit chips, drying. Ekaterina Volkova Ekaterina Volkova Healthy lifestyle Gynecologist