
How not to break into food if you work remotely? Nutritionist advice

work at home
Nutritionist Ekaterina Yashchenko told how to control yourself in terms of meals if you work remotely and the refrigerator is always there.

A huge number of people work remotely today. The pandemic regime has especially contributed to this. This format of work has many advantages, in particular, a free schedule and a flexible mode. But there are also nuances. For many, sleep and rest, as well as nutrition, are completely disrupted.

“It's very simple: our brain is an energy-consuming organ, the body always tries to“ feed ”it. The brain needs glucose. When we spend a lot of time at the computer, blood glucose drops, the nervous system begins to give signs in the form of a feeling of hunger. And we snack – often not the most useful products, ”the expert explains the mechanism.
In order not to succumb to these tricks of the nervous system, try to eat as varied as possible. Often the brain lacks vitamins and micronutrients, especially if you are engaged in intense mental work.

If the brain needs fuel, give it fuel in the form of slow carbohydrates. Unlike fast carbohydrates, they will provide a feeling of long-term satiety. Together with complex carbohydrates, you can feed the body with proteins and fats.

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The secret: if you feel hungry, try drinking water first. We often confuse hunger with thirst.

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After every hour of work, take a break and a short workout. Like at school. So you increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, and you will feel less hungry. Go out for a walk and breathe fresh air. Ekaterina Yashchenko Ekaterina Yashchenko healthy lifestyle Nutritionist