
Garlic can be both beneficial and harmful.

The use of garlic is associated with both positive and negative effects, the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor reminded about this.

Garlic with the onset of the autumn-winter season traditionally becomes in Russia, one of the most popular products with which our compatriots strengthen immunity. Garlic is usually referred to as a “superfood”, but eating it brings not only benefits – undesirable effects on the body and well-being are also possible. portal healthy-nutrition.rf.
According to their data, garlic can have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system.

“Garlic reduces the level of bad cholesterol, makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic and prevents atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots, heart attack.”
At the same time, it follows from the commentary of Anna Ivashkevich, a nutritionist, that even a very small amount of a spicy vegetable can be harmful for some chronic disorders. First of all, we are talking about pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, Ivashkevich emphasized, garlic is permissible only in the absence of diseases of the stomach and intestines – but even in this case, no more than two cloves during the day (not immediately).
Who can harm garlic

What is a categorical taboo is eating garlic raw on an empty stomach, this should not be done even by very healthy people.

Rose hips can be useful and harmful

Earlier, the portal wrote that experts named available products for skin rejuvenation. Anna Ivashkevich Anna Ivashkevich healthy lifestyle family doctor, psychotherapist, nutritionist