
“From pearl barley or white rice”: nutritionist Dianova named the healthiest and most harmful cereals

Nutritionist Nuria Dianova: a serving of porridge for women should not exceed 150 grams.

Nutritionist Dianova named the healthiest and most harmful cereals. In an interview with Radio 1, the specialist said that the most preferable cereals for making cereals are uncrushed pearl barley and oatmeal. Thus, cereals made from them – pearl barley and oatmeal – are the healthiest: they are rich in fiber, which stimulates the digestive tract, normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and are also rich in protein and microelements.

Speaking about harmful, Dianova named white rice porridge. The expert explained that for ordinary people these dishes are too rich in carbohydrates – they are usually recommended to those weakened after an illness or poisoning, who are underweight. Abuse of boiled white rice leads to constipation, the expert noted.

“Boiled rice is used for diarrhea: when a person is poisoned, it is easiest to sit on such porridge for 2-3 days,” Dianova clarified.
The specialist also called semolina porridge harmful if it is not recommended for medical reasons. Under normal circumstances, this dish, which has a high glycemic index, will only contribute to unnecessary jumps in sugar and insulin in the blood.
The nutritionist drew attention to the fact that cereals in general (even the healthiest of them) require rather limited consumption. They should be supplemented with protein and fiber.

“People start eating porridge day and night – this is wrong. For women, the average norm of ready-made porridge is 100-150 grams, for men – 200-2500 grams. Then we put protein there: a boiled egg, a portion of nuts or a piece of cheese. And at the end we add fruits and berries,” the doctor summarized.
Earlier, the portal wrote about which products effectively protect against the development of atherosclerosis.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Nuriya Dianova Nuria Dianova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist, first category gastroenterologist, hepatologist, psychologist of eating behavior