
Four Scientifically Proven Ways to Boost Your Immune System

elderly woman in a good mood
The body's immune system is under severe stress in autumn and winter as the risk of infections increases at this time of year. Meanwhile, there are at least five scientifically proven methods to strengthen the immune system.

Sport is useful, but in moderation. Researchers from the University of Houston state that exercise plays an important role in maintaining healthy immune system.

“Regular, moderate-intensity exercise can boost the immune system at any age. It reduces inflammation in the body, supports lymphatic drainage, reduces the release of stress hormones and improves sleep. In addition, regular exercise leads to a better composition of “old” and “young” immune cells and improved immune surveillance,” the scientists said.
However, it is important not to overdo it, because studies show that too intense training can weaken the immune system, contribute to the development of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Full sleep. The human body starts regeneration processes during sleep, cleansing the brain of potential toxins. Scientists from the University of Tübingen said that healthy sleep is essential for the good functioning of the immune system. Without enough sleep, experts say, the nervous system cannot transmit all of the messages important to the immune response.

“Sleep quality can be improved with sports or exercise in daily life, low stress levels, and regular bedtime. The immune system also benefits from this,” they said.
Probiotic products.By using them regularly, you can improve your health. Foods with probiotics (fermented) such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt have been scientifically proven to help boost the immune system. Probiotics are “good” bacteria that settle in the gut and have a beneficial effect on the balance of the intestinal flora. By the way, experiments at the New Zealand University of Otago showed that participants who received probiotics were better protected from colds, and when they got sick, they recovered faster.

Sufficient supply of vitamins C, D and zinc. In autumn, it is important to eat fresh plant foods. In particular, the body needs vitamin C, which is abundant in apples, oranges, lemons, and peppers. There is evidence that getting vitamin C helps shorten the duration of a cold and reduce its symptoms.

Doctors have identified the best food for strengthening immunity

For vitamin D, it helps the immune system produce new protective cells, and zinc supports their function – these substances are also very important for good immunity. You can check their presence in the body using a blood test.

German doctors recommend wild garlic to strengthen the immune system

Earlier, the portal wrote about what foods should be included in the diet in the fall to strengthen the immune systems.