
Foods to avoid if you are losing weight

Very often we make the mistake of taking for dietary products those that are not at all suitable for proper nutrition. The tricks of cunning marketers also contribute to deception.

Albina Komissarova, a nutritionist and endocrinologist, told what foods it is better to refuse if you intend to lose weight.

“I want to say right away that I don’t demonize any products. There are no bad and harmful foods, all of them can be eaten. My desire is to teach you to read the composition and not to build illusions, ”the expert says.
So, sweet low-fat yogurts are extremely insidious. Because of the excess sugar, they have a lot of calories. It is better to take plain unsweetened yogurt and add sweeteners and fillers there yourself.

Sweet cereals and muesli can also be called a healthy breakfast or snack option with a big stretch. In fact, this is not a breakfast cereal, but a full-fledged dessert!

Gluten-free products, despite their advertising and propaganda, are useful and really necessary only for those who have a confirmed gluten intolerance. For the rest, this is a waste of money.

Foods that need to be abandoned with age

Protein bars. Here it is important to pay attention to the calorie content and composition. There are useful options, but they are few. More often, the calorie content of this product goes off scale and is equal to the most ordinary candy.

The doctor named products that are harmful after 50 years

Fructose is often presented as a useful sweetener. This alternative is relevant only for those who have diabetes. For everyone else, there is no difference. The calorie content of fructose and sugar is about the same. Albina Komissarova Albina Komissarova Healthy lifestyle Nutritionist-endocrinologist