
“Excess salt takes away 10 years of life”: Doctor Ginzburg named the most harmful products for the elderly

an elderly woman drinks tea
Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg told what products should not be in the diet of elderly people.

In a commentary to “Moscow 24”, doctor Ginzburg named the most harmful products for the elderly – he singled out salt in their list. He noted that there is a pattern: the more an elderly person consumes products with a high concentration of this spice, the higher the risk of his death in the coming years.

“Excessive amounts of salt lead to the progression of hypertension, which gradually takes away 10–15 years and can hit you like a blow to the head with the development of a stroke,” warned Mikhail Ginzburg.
Alcohol also becomes especially harmful in old age. The specialist explained that at this age, people's blood vessels are almost always affected by atherosclerosis, which does not allow them to adequately expand and contract under the influence of certain factors. When drinking alcohol, which changes the state of the vascular system and accelerates the work of the heart, this can lead to a heart attack.

Another danger is the consumption of products with trans fats: for example, sweets, ready-made confectionery and pastries. With their frequent use, elderly people expose themselves to a significant risk of developing atherosclerosis and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. A similar risk arises when they are fond of processed meat products – sausages, hot dogs, frankfurters, pates and so on, the nutritionist said.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what is useful to eat for breakfast to prolong life.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Mikhail Ginzburg Mikhail Ginzburg Healthy lifestyle director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences