
Endocrinologist Zobova advised not to give up sugar and named its norm

Endocrinologist Ekaterina Zobova explained in which cases sugar, honey or jam should always be on hand.

Endocrinologist Zobova recalled that regular excessive consumption of sugar contributes to the development of caries, obesity, cardiovascular complications, increased fatigue and irritability. Speaking about the connection between sugar consumed and diabetes, the doctor noted that type 2 diabetes does not occur directly due to sweets. But sugar-containing products, along with fatty foods and alcohol, contribute to the development of obesity, which provokes hormonal imbalances that lead to diabetes.

At the same time, the endocrinologist drew attention to the fact that sugar does not require complete exclusion from the diet. Zobova advised not to give up sugar, since total refusal can cause stress and negatively affect eating behavior. The specialist emphasized that nothing bad will happen to a person from a limited amount of sugar in the diet. If you eat one or two cookies or a strip of chocolate a day, your physical health will not suffer in any way, but at the same time a person will experience pleasant emotions from tasty and attractive food. In addition, this approach creates a more relaxed attitude towards sweet foods.

Ekaterina Zobova in an interview with the publication “MY!” named the norm of sugar that can be eaten per day without harm to health.

“According to the standards established by WHO, sugar consumption should be less than 5 – 10% of the total diet. Adults should consume no more than 30 grams of free sugar per day (including the sugar that manufacturers add to finished products). Children under 4 years of age are advised to avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and foods with added sugar. Children from 4 to 6 years old should receive no more than 19 grams of free sugar per day, from 7 to 10 years old – no more than 24 grams.”
The doctor advised using sweeteners as rarely as possible.

Zobova warned that large doses of sugar may contain non-confectionery products. For example, there is a lot of it in canned vegetables, ready-made sauces and dressings, some yoghurts and other dairy products, sausages, and baked goods. The doctor stated that you should eat in such a way as to avoid sudden changes in blood glucose levels, which often occur after meals with the presence of sugar. It is important not to allow long pauses between meals, to eat regularly and in a balanced manner. You also need to consume complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals, durum pasta, and whole grain bread in moderation.

Endocrinologist Zobova clarified when sugar can be a “medicine.”

“With hypoglycemia or a sharp decrease in blood glucose below 3.9 mmol/l, the only treatment is to take sugar, honey or jam in the amount of 15 – 20 grams. But this condition occurs only in a person diagnosed with diabetes mellitus who is treated with glucose-lowering drugs or insulin.”
Earlier, the portal wrote that nutritionist Alexey Kabanov told which popular summer sweets are the most harmful to the body.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ekaterina Zobova Ekaterina Zobova Healthy lifestyle, endocrinologist