
Endocrinologist spoke about the benefits of cycling

Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova spoke about the effect regular cycling has on the body, and what diseases this sport helps to get rid of.

It's no secret that physical activity is crucial to maintaining the beauty, youth and health of the body. Moreover, it is not necessary to play sports professionally. Small, but regular loads are enough, and you will forget about many diseases.

“A study was conducted in Denmark that lasted 20 years, 23,732 men and women participated in it. Ordinary inhabitants who used a bicycle for commuting and walking around the city. 60% drove only 8 minutes a day, 20% – more than 15 minutes. The results showed a significant improvement in health in relation to car supporters, ”says the expert.
In particular, there is a decrease in cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. The risk of coronary heart disease decreased in the subjects by 19%.

Those who regularly used a bicycle, the situation with blood pressure and metabolism improved significantly. Some have completely eliminated prediabetes.

It has been scientifically proven that people who use a bike to travel to work are 16% less obese, less likely to experience hypertension.

How much to ride a bike to get such results? There is no universal norm for all. It all depends on the underlying factors and health problems. The recommendation of scientists is at least one and a half hours a week. At the same time, it is advisable to ride not too relaxed, to a light sweat. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist